The Best of the Weird Space West
Our universe is fractured into the 4 Horsemen's sick whims, a cracked mirror of sentient life's deepest lusts and fears, made manifest in excess.
Earth is a reservation kept "safe" by a corrupt Alien Government, trying to maintain it's facist control over what "free" galaxy is left, by any means necessary.
Humanity lives, cowers, and makes do, alongside alien refugees and pilgrims, behind the impenetrable walls of New Deadwood.
When reality belongs to Evil,
Heroes are INEVITABLE.
Welcome to IronVerse Comics.
Enjoy the ride.

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy
A Reincarnated Immortal wanders Galactic Armageddon seeking Freedom and Purpose.
The Shiftiest and Shadiest: Kactus Coyote!
A Shapeshifting Intergalatic Smuggler seeks to find his own path, far apart from what he was created for.

...Introducing THE RECLUSE
One Person Wanders the wastes robbing Famyne Inc of it's most precious Monopoly, and delivering it to those who need it most.
Enter IronVerse Comics

We try and reach our fans as often as possible with livestreams, AMA's, Indie Comics Reviews, and Let's Plays, as well as keeping folks in the know about our Work as often as we can!

Purchase #1, #2, and #3 from Wikid Publishing
Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy tells the story of a man trapped in two kinds of eternity. His mind and soul bears the memories of 100's, maybe thousands, of past lives, and his current body, is unkillable and immortal.
IronVerse Comics takes this poor, unfortunate soul, and lets him loose in a galactic-wide "Weird-Western" Apocalypse.
Pick up The Origin Trilogy for yourself, and Embark on a Journey of Lifetimes!

Interact with the Community, and become a settler in the Weird Space West.

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Coffee, Cody, and Comics